First Presbyterian Church, Mount Vernon, Indiana - Hoosier Recollections - Flickr

1907 Postcard

The First Presbyterian Church of Mount Vernon, Indiana was founded in 1837 by missionary William Pennell and Mr. Keith. There were 15 charter members and they held services at Mr. Keith's home. The congregation grew and a church building was constructed on Store Street (now College Avenue) in 1842. The church continued to grow and property was purchased in 1872 and a new building was built and dedicated on October 16, 1873. An Education Wing was and a Grand Piano were added in 1998.   Many changes and additions have occurred since the dedication, but the congregation continues to worship in the sanctuary built almost 190 years ago.


The Mohler pipe organ was built into the sanctuary in 1914, a gift of Andrew Carnegie.  It was electrified in 1955 and refurbished in 1975 and again in 2010.   Chimes were added in 1983 in memory of Gordon Alldredge by Rev. Ann Melenson and her mother.  The organ became digital in 2023.  This was celebrated with a concert of area organists.  


Also in 2023 that congregation is changing the sanctuary to modernize the worship experience and enhance streaming.